Live It, Write It: Tell your own truth.

sarah patton
2 min readJun 13, 2021

We’ve all been there.

Tired, lost, alone. Feeling as if the world was unable to hear us.

Every single one of us has felt frustrated at our lives for one thing or another.

Maybe the dog knocked down the trash again, or your boss overworked you. Or maybe you overworked yourself. These moments can be overwhelming, suffocating each and every one of us until the only thing we can do is stop and think.

We see media plastered on our screens of celebrities doing crazy things, or even just fictional stories with ghosts and monsters and lots of drama.

The same emotions are recycled throughout all of the stories, presenting themselves in different times and places to create stories.

What if I told you that your story- yes, you- was as interesting as those?

We spend our lives wishing to be the main character of a cheesy Disney film, wanting to be someone special.

We all are special, though. We all are interesting. We just hide it from ourselves.

I’ve met many people who on the outside appear quite boring. Middle-class family, grew up without any struggles. Those were the ones with quite a bit of conflict.

